Our top tips to save the planet – October.

A photo of a beautiful sunrise behind clouds.

As a business, we are trying to do our bit for the planet.

Whether that be the work we’re doing with other organisations, or through our own, personal initiatives, we are determined to be part of the positive change happening in the world around us.

Last month, we started our ‘5 top tips’ blog, where we, on a monthly basis, share some simple ideas that you can do to make the world that little bit better.

Our October top tips

1. Think outside the box for presents

Stuck for birthday or Christmas gift ideas? Who really needs more ‘stuff’ that will ultimately get thrown away and end up in landfill? Why not buy loved ones membership to their local Wildlife Trust instead? Many trusts also have gift packs available to enable you to sponsor projects or species.

2. Pledge to give up using peat

Peat, which forms in wetlands, is a deposit of partially decayed vegetation matter.

Peat and peat moss is sought after by gardeners for adding nutrients to poor soil and to assist with water retention. Despite being a gardeners dream, peat can cause major problems for the environment. Peat is formed in wetlands (or peatlands) and these areas are unique ecosystems. When the peat is extracted, these ecosystems are damaged and the impact to the surrounding environment is almost irreversible.

Join the RSPB’s #forpeatssake campaign and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to make the pledge too.

3. Donate

Make a donation to an environmental charity. We’ll be donating to Birdlife International’s Coastal Wetland appeal to protect these valuable habitats from destruction. Right now is a great time to do this, as each donation is doubled by match funding.

4. Reduce plastic on your fresh fruit and veg

It seems like plastic is everywhere, especially when it comes to your weekly shop. But there are ways in which you can reduce your single plastic consumption.

Firstly, you can opt for loose fruit and veg over the pre packaged items. You can also make a point of asking your favourite supermarket to stock more loose items and without unnecessary plastic packaging. You could even opt to shop at local green grocers or get deliveries from projects like the Community Farm.

5. Grow your own

If you have a garden, balcony or even space for a window box, plan to grow at least some of your own food next year. Even if it’s just some salad leaves, herbs or dwarf beans in a few pots, it’s fun, you’ll get super fresh, tasty food and reduce your plastic waste and C02 footprint to boot.

If you’ve implemented any of these ideas, or you’ve got some of your own you’d like us to feature, then please get in touch with us at hello@natural-apptitude.co.uk , we’d love to hear from you!

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