Plan with Nature in Mind! Wildlife Tool Update Prioritises Nature in Planning Process

The Biodiversity in Planning logo on a green and white background

Planning a development project?  The newly updated Biodiversity in Planning Wildlife Assessment Check tool can help you save time and money whilst protecting local wildlife.

The Wildlife Assessment Check tool is an easy-to-use free online tool designed for householders and small to medium-scale developers who want to check whether they will need professional ecological advice before submitting a planning application or carrying out work under permitted development rights.

The innovative tool was developed by Natural Apptitude on behalf of The Partnership for Biodiversity in Planning – an alliance of nineteen organisations representing the conservation, planning and development sectors, all working together to simplify, streamline and improve the consideration of biodiversity in the UK planning process.  

The Wildlife Assessment Check tool enables the user to identify potential impacts on protected wildlife species and designated nature conservation areas at the pre-planning stage, meaning professional ecological input can be sought, where needed, at the first opportunity.

Early assessment reduces the risks of delays and costs for householders and planners and helps local authorities to meet their statutory obligations whilst improving the consistency of wildlife assessment.

“The Wildlife Assessment Check tool is quick and easy to use – within 5 minutes the tool will tell you whether your project is likely to require professional ecological advice as well as giving you details of the potential wildlife which need to be considered.”

Jo Ferguson, Built Environment Manager, Bat Conservation Trust

Check out all the resources on the Biodiversity in Planning website and please share the Wildlife Assessment Check tool with anyone you know who might benefit so we can all work together to protect wildlife.

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