Tuning into user needs with the Dawn Chorus

Phone showing a screenshot of the Dawn Chorus AI functionality, with a bird and a sound wave illustration

With an app and website used by thousands of people worldwide to record morning birdsong, the Dawn Chorus project sought to enhance its platform based on user feedback. Natural Apptitude conducted a comprehensive survey among a large section of Dawn Chorus users to gain insights into their experiences with the website, identifying pain points and areas for improvement. The findings, informed a plan to upgrade elements on both the website and the mobile app.

Analysing the results

Clear patterns and insights were gained from a good number of survey submissions from the Dawn Chorus’s highly engaged user base.

Overall, feedback on the website was largely positive. However there were recurring themes centred around species recognition, requests for more scientific information and learning, as well as a lukewarm response to the news section.

Surprisingly, areas we had initially flagged for improvement received positive feedback from users enabling us to reallocate our resources and focus more intently on addressing the areas that truly mattered to our users, like the introduction of AI.

Two pie charts and a graph showing different stats from the user survey
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Lots of coloured post it note grouped together showing the results of the user testing
A phone showing a screenshot of the Dawn Chorus AI functionality
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Lots of phones showing different screenshots of the Dawn Chorus app

AI-Powered Species Recognition

The most frequent request from users was assistance with species identification when creating Dawn Chorus recordings.

In response, we partnered with BirdNET to integrate AI technology into the app. This new feature analyses recordings and suggests bird species present in the Dawn Chorus. It can also detect human voices, which helps address privacy concerns. Users can view the AI's confidence level for each suggestion and choose whether to add them to their species list.

Since the launch of this feature, there has been an increased confidence among users in identifying bird species in their recordings. By cross-referencing user-added species with AI findings, Dawn Chorus can now develop a more comprehensive understanding of birdsong patterns around the world.

Phone showing the Dawn Chorus AI analysing bird song
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A laptop screen showing an illustration of a bird habitat on the Dawn Chorus website.
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Engagement through learning

While feedback on the website was positive, users expressed interest in learning more about the birds they heard. 

To address this, the "Learn" section of the website was re-imagined, with a more interactive approach. The redesigned section now features clickable infographics, informative videos, sonograms of birdsong and an interactive birdsong quiz. These updates have transformed the learning section into a more immersive experience for the users, with more to come.

Read the News article
A laptop showing a sonogram from the Dawn Chorus website on the screen
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Over the last four years Natural Apptitude continuously worked on implementing new features, improving/adapting user experience/user journey as the number of users grew and needs changed. Successfully implementing an AI-based automated bird sound recognition for the Dawn Chorus App was one of our highlights thanks to Natural Apptitude's thoughtfulness, reliability, and enthusiasm.

Dr. Susanne Schmitt
Project Head STEAM-Projects
Naturkundemuseum Bayern & LMU

Over the last four years Natural Apptitude continuously worked on implementing new features, improving/adapting user experience/user journey as the number of users grew and needs changed. Successfully implementing an AI-based automated bird sound recognition for the Dawn Chorus App was one of our highlights thanks to Natural Apptitude's thoughtfulness, reliability, and enthusiasm.

Dr. Susanne Schmitt
Project Head STEAM-Projects
Naturkundemuseum Bayern & LMU

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