Helping with the Conservation of UK Mammals

A phone showing a screenshot from the Mammal Mapper app, with different mammal species on it, and illustration of a location pin with a paw symbol inside it.

Mammals are some of the most under-recorded species in Britain.  With one in four of our native mammals threatened with extinction, and many others in decline, they need to be recorded now more than ever. Mammal Mapper was developed by Natural Apptitude for The Mammal Society to help collect this vital data to inform the conservation of the UK’s mammals.

The Background

Most wild mammals, including rabbits and iconic species like hedgehogs and mountain hares, are very poorly monitored.

This makes it difficult to know which regions or habitats are most important for them, or to detect changes in their ranges and population sizes.

The Mammal Society wanted an app which is easy for everyone to use in order to encourage people to record their sightings.

A phone showing a screenshot of different mammal that have been spotted using the Mammal mapper app.
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A phone shoing a screenshot of a mammal information screen about a Harvest mouse, from the mammal mapper app
Buttons from the mammal mapper app showing different ways to spot a mammal.
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Our Solution

The Mammal Mapper app enables people to:

  • Record signs and sightings of mammals
  • Record mammals along a route whilst out walking/running/cycling or even as a passenger in a car or one-off sightings like a hedgehog in your garden
  • Identify the mammals and/or field signs using the in-built detailed guides

A phone showing a screenshot of the location of a mammal in the mammal mapper app
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3 phones showing screen shots from the Mammal mapper app
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Read the News article
A phone showing a screenshot of the location of a mammal in the mammal mapper app
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