Supercharge your ecological surveys

From running a citizen science project to collecting commercially focused ecological data, Natural Apptitude can help you, via bespoke app and web solutions, or integration with our powerful data collection platform Coreo.

Phone showing a screenshot from the Big Butterfly Count app
Photo of a great crested newt in a hexagon shape
Photo of a gren rolling landscape with trees in the foreground and hills in the background shown in a hexagon shape
Beautiful pink flowers in foreground on green grass with a blue sky with white clouds

At Natural Apptitude, we focus on benefitting the environment through our digital solutions.

Leaders in the field of ecological data collection, we can work with you to deliver an exceptional user experience with the highest impact.

As experts in citizen science and crowdsourcing data, our bespoke apps and websites and our platform Coreo have addressed a wide variety of ecological issues.
We are the trusted experts in field-based data collection, collaborating with leading professionals on projects that enhance our understanding of the natural world.

Helping Butterfly Conservation efficiently monitor butterfly and moth populations
A phone showing the home screen of the Big Butterfly Count app with a butterfly on it, and an illustration of a yellow location pin with a butterfly in it.
Helping Butterfly Conservation efficiently monitor butterfly and moth populations
Tuning into user needs with the Dawn Chorus
Impacting the conservation effort of butterflies & moths
Streamlining UKHab surveys and BNG assessments

What our customers say

The Dawn Chorus team greatly appreciated and enjoyed working with Natural Apptitude. They are extremely professional, creative, knowledgeable and hands on. They built the original app incredibly fast and have had our back ever since. They have been very approachable and considerate and came up with targeted solutions for all our needs.

Susanne Schmitt
Project Head STEAM-Projects
Naturkundemuseum Bayern & LMU

The Dawn Chorus team greatly appreciated and enjoyed working with Natural Apptitude. They are extremely professional, creative, knowledgeable and hands on. They built the original app incredibly fast and have had our back ever since. They have been very approachable and considerate and came up with targeted solutions for all our needs.

Susanne Schmitt
Project Head STEAM-Projects
Naturkundemuseum Bayern & LMU

“Coreo has proved to be exactly the platform we need - easy to use, simple to set up and solves all of the major issues we had previously…It’s ease of use has meant that everyone can build surveys and work with the data.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Coreo has transformed how the organisation functions.”

Georgina Timmis
Principal Ecologist

“This is an absolute game-changer for ecological field surveyors and is fast becoming the industry standard for UKHab data collection and BNG work.”

Emily Drinkwater
Associate Ecologist

"A lot of people tell us that they think it is the best sightings app out there and that’s why they like to use it."

Sadie Govert
Education and Sightings Officer

"When choosing a provider to develop this app, we had no doubts that we wanted to work with Natural Apptitude as they are renowned for excelling when it comes to creating user friendly data recording apps. The team understand exactly what it takes to make an effective and engaging tool, and this is demonstrated by their impressive portfolio of citizen science and data collection apps.”

Megan Gimber
Key Habitats Officer
People's Trust for Endangered Species

Some people might think data collection is dull, but it’s not at all. It sits at the core of what we do because if we don’t know what’s broken, we can’t fix it. Citizen scientists, software, apps and platforms like Coreo are critical for the work we do and in the fight to protect our natural world.“

Gillian Power
Head of Commuications
Butterfly Conservation

“The Wildlife Assessment Check tool is quick and easy to use – within 5 minutes the tool will tell you whether your project is likely to require professional ecological advice as well as giving you details of the potential wildlife which need to be considered.”

Jo Ferguson
Built Environment Manager
Bat Conservation Trust

“It’s fantastic to see more and more records of nesting Swifts being added to Swift Mapper. These records help us to understand where nest sites need to be protected and where new ones are needed. The system is so easy to use and we’d encourage everyone to share their records of nesting Swifts via the Swift Mapper app or website.”

Dr Guy Anderson
RSPB migratory bird expert
Photo of ecologist using a phone by a river

From concept to conservation,
and beyond...

Icon of little cubes, some filled in some outlines, spaced out to represent Discovery

Product Discovery

Gaining an understanding of your users, your goals and your challenges to overcome.

Icon of little cubes starting to form a bigger cube to represent design

User centred design

Designing functional and beautiful products with useability at the centre of every design.

Icon of lotsof little cubes making up a bigger cube to represent development


Built to your specifications. Front-end, back-end and seamless cross-platform development.

Icon made of cubes put together into a bigger cube, and layers of another cube to represent roadmap

Beyond launch

Continuous evolution and responsive support to meet future demands.

Coreo logo
Coreo also powers the official UKHab Data Collection App

Want to build your own data collection apps, without knowing any code?

Coreo is our powerful data creation and collection platform

Mobile phone icon
Create your own survey app (with no coding required)
Location pin icon
Record out in the field with the accompanying mobile app
Polygon icon
Advanced geo-spatial mapping tools and pre-made survey choices
Download icon
Analyse and export relevant data back in the office
Clip board icon
Pre-built industry standard ecological surveys
Picture of ecologist on the River Kennet doing surveys and using phones

Our Mission

We are driven by a passion for making a positive impact on the environment. Our mission is to to provide digital solutions that streamline data collection, enhance efficiency and foster collaboration in the ecology and environmental sector.

Photo of purple orchids in the foreground with green grass and a blue sky

Our Vision

Our vision is to help tackle the climate and biodiversity crises by revolutionising data collection and management.

Small dedicated team

Environment First

User focussed

Quick to respond

Picture of ecologist on the River Kennet doing surveys and using phones

Our Mission

We are driven by a passion for making a positive impact on the environment. Our mission is to provide digital solutions that streamline data collection, enhance efficiency and foster collaboration in the ecology and environmental sector.

Photo of purple orchids in the foreground with green grass and a blue sky

Our Vision

Our vision is to help tackle the climate and biodiversity crises by revolutionising data collection and management.

Small dedicated team

Environment First

User focussed

Quick to respond

Photo of mountain range and blue sky reflected in a lake in front of them.